Good read and well thought out. Everything you said in part 1 about the effects of men not doing their duty are all true. Everything you said is true.....

But I have a what came first, the chicken or the egg question.

Is it the leaders fault no one follows him or is there fault with a follower who chooses not to be lead?

Jesus was a great leader and many chose not to follow him. We know it wasn't any fault of Jesus. So those choosing not to follow were just disobedient.

In my life I have witnessed good men driven out of their families lives by poorly behaving wives with a prejudice judicial system backing them. I saw very little choice for them. I had no advice I could give except to trust in our Lord.

So did men go bad first and become poor fathers and husbands forcing women to carry all the burdens or did society remove the male guardrails on women and they became insufferably and disobedient Jezabels; making themselves adversarial to their husbands and men? Either way the effects you describe are the same but the cause is different.

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Thank you Matthew for sharing your thoughts on the post. Your last paragraph really stood out to me. 

I believe all men and women equally fall short and are sinners. Even when we consider the Adam/Eve story. Eve chronologically went bad first by eating from the tree of good and evil, yet scripture blames Adam for the ultimate fall of mankind.

This is because Adam was held as the leader of His family, and the commandment was given to Him, and He willingly ate, unlike the woman who was deceived.

But, ultimately, every tongue must confess and both men and women will give an account for their personal actions, and how they conduct themselves and steward their relationships and domains.

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