As I studied the pages of one of my favorite Christian books, I was stunned to realize how much God’s glory is revealed in each gender.
The liberalist movement has become increasingly determined to shatter all gender distinctions between the sexes.
They believe that gender is a social construct, not God-ordained.
They barrage our minds with so-called truths like, “You define your own gender,” “No one can tell you who you are,” and “Gender roles are outdated, you call your own shots.”
But I’m here to remind you, ladies, that your womanhood points to a deeper, spiritual reality.
Yes, you heard me right. Your WOMANHOOD is not an accident. It’s not just a biological fact.
As I flip through the pages of True Woman 101 by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, I’m compelled to share how God intentionally created women to reveal truths about His character and redemption plan.
In this Article:
Formed for a Purpose✨
The three most profound ways God calls women to glorify Him are as a
New Update📍
This is true regardless if you are single or married, with or without children.
Thank you for joining me in this brand-new article.
Formed for a Purpose✨
What is God’s glory?
It is His breathtaking display of power, awe, and grace.
God’s glory is evidently and miraculously revealed in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as scripture details
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” – Hebrews 1:3
Our Lord and Savior is the visible manifestation of our Father’s glory.
As believers, we not only see an incredible facet of God’s glory revealed in redemptive grace but also receive the responsibility to glorify and worship God through who He created us to be.
“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image…’ So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” – Genesis 1:26-27
We were formed in God’s image. Formed for a PURPOSE. This purpose is (who can guess? His GLORY.
Rather, it should be honored and celebrated.
Being a woman—a created female— has nothing to do with me and everything to do with glorifying God in the distinct ways He called me to.
You might be wondering what are those unique ways women glorify God.
Here are the three most profound ways:
1. As a Bride or Wife👰♀️
There is something truly breathtaking about God’s original design of marriage where ‘two becoming one flesh.’
Later Jesus reaffirms to us that what therefore God has joined together, let not man separate (Matt 1:4-6).
LET NO MAN SEPARATE, why? because earthly relationships point to something big.✨
The inseparable and harmonized union that marriages ought to embody is a powerful object lesson of the gospel and man and his wife are made to tell the story. Here’s the story in a nutshell.
“Men were created to reflect the strength, love, and self-sacrifice of Christ. Women were created to reflect the responsiveness, grace, and beauty of the bride (the church) He redeemed. And marriage was created to reflect the covenant union of Christ and His bride,” —, as stated in True Woman 101 by Mary a. Kassian & Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth
Here’s an interesting fact: about 40-50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce, according to the American Psychological Association.
Within the Jamaican culture I grew up in, getting married is not the norm. Most couples I know of opt to cohabitate rather than tie the knot.
Sadly, I’ve heard of many Christian marriages beaten down by infidelity and domestic violence.
As a young woman who hopes to get married one day, witnessing these failed marriages and hearing about the horrific things that occur within the ones that stand can be discouraging at times.
I ponder countless times, why so many relationships end in disaster.
Is it that we are entering into these marriages and ties with the wrong motives and expectations?
Do we have an idea of what a lasting and fulfilling marriage should look like?🤔
I have my share of past relationships, and what I know now, I wish I had known then.
I might not fully understand, at this season of my life, all the practicalities and work needed to make a marriage work.
But after studying God’s Word and delving into sound Christian books giving sound relationship and dating advice, all single women who hope to get married must know these two timeless truths:
Ultimately, as Kristen and Bethany explained in their book, Love Defined:
I firmly believe that if a marriage does not glorify God, something is wrong.
As women, we are called to be brides.
If you’re married, you have a chance to glorify God in your marriage every single day—by submitting to your husband and living in such a way with your spouse that mirrors the faithfulness of the gospel.
And for single women, we have the privilege of growing spiritually and preparing ourselves for a future marriage that honors God. Regardless of our marital status, we should all be embracing Christ as our eternal Bridegroom.
That brings me to my next point.
2. As a Mother🤰🏾
Another beautiful way God calls women to glorify Him is through motherhood.
I hear the echoes every day. It sounds similar to this: “Go!, leave home, take on the world, there’s no value in bearing and raising children. It’s exhausting, It’ll limit you, no one will truly respect you.”
Tell me, modern women,
When have we come to disdain raising children and are so willing to kill the unborn?
The feminist movement ‘empowers’ women to look down on this priceless essence of womanhood, but I’m here to remind you, ladies, that your physical capacity to bring forth life is a gift from God.
Though not all women are destined to become biological mothers, I strongly believe that all women are called to nurture and bear spiritual fruits.
As Mary and Nancy insightfully communicated in their book,
“It is not a given that every woman will marry, or that every married woman will be able to bear children, or that every woman ought to bear as many biological children as she possibly can. What is a given is that all women are called to be spiritually fruitful.The Lord wants all women, including single and childless women and women past childbearing age, to have a “household” and be the joyful mother of children.”
If you’re a biological mom, take joy in glorying God by raising your kids in the fear and understanding of God, as well as efforts in creating a warm and loving home.🏡
And if you’re single or childless, you have an awesome opportunity to guide and mentor young girls around you and invest in their spiritual, emotional, or mental well-being.
Children are a heritage from the Lord. May we be women who love, protect, and help raise them well.
3. As a Helper 📈
Finally, I want to touch on this often frowned upon scripture.
Another immense way God calls women to glorify Him is as a “helper”.
Then the Lord said, “it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18
Some of you may cringe when you hear the word, “helper”.
But if we clearly understand what being a “helper” means, we’ll appreciate and embrace the beauty and purpose of supporting and serving.
The enemy wants us to believe that supporting our husbands, and other qualified men in our lives means we are inferior to them. But in no way does the Bible communicate or support that lie.
In fact, God, the Sovereign, is referred to as our indispensable help in scripture, and in NO way He is inferior to us.
Besides, how can a woman expect constant help and support from her Heavenly Father and be reluctant to support and serve others in a way that reflects God's love and grace?
Men and women may serve God’s kingdom differently, but our purpose is the same—to glorify Him.
And He is good. Therefore, if He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, and made a helper fit for him, then what God did is very good, and I’m happy with that.
Please understand that man’s ultimate purpose is to glory and serve God, and NOT Himself and the woman assists man in fulfilling that purpose (eg, the creation mandate) that could not be achieved without her.
As the authors shared in their book, I’m 100% in agreement with:
“The purpose of woman helping man isn’t about exalting the man. It’s really not about him (or her) at all. Her help contributes to both of them achieving a greater, nobler eternal purpose that is far bigger and more significant than their own existence. She labors and serves alongside him for the same purpose for which he labors and serves. And what is that? The glory of God. Woman helps man achieve the purpose of exalting and displaying the jaw-dropping magnificence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” True Woman 101: Divine Design.
If you are married, choose to support your husband in living out that bride-Christ relationship, being fruitful together, engaging in meaningful tasks that glorify God, and serving and supporting marriage and family.
As for single women, we can support the men in our lives, such as our fathers and brothers, by affirming and encouraging godly masculinity and leadership.
In a world that progressively belittles and devalues manhood, let us be women who support men, and see them as co-workers to accomplish great works for the Kingdom of God.
Live for His Glory🙌🏾
Womanhood is beautiful and spiritual—bigger than you and me.
Your feminine parts, softer disposition, and longing desire to surrender, receive, create, and nurture are not coincidental, but intentional.
God made man and woman with a purpose—to glorify Him.
So, let us be women who study, pursue, embrace, and whole-fully delight in His spectacular design.
Regardless of what season of life you’re in. (whether single or married, with or without children), you’re called to be a bride of Christ, to be spiritually fruitful, and to support men and one another.
I’m curious, do you love being a woman—a created female by God?
What are you enjoying bout being a woman right now? To name a few
I love and cherish the fact that I was created in God’s image, by and for Him, and therefore, hold significant worth and purpose.
I delight and embrace that I was called to sacrifice, nurture, and raise children in the fear and understanding of God.
I’m enjoying this single season as a means to draw closer to God, teach biblical womanhood, and adorn myself daily (walking in sexual holiness, love, service, etc) as a bride eagerly waiting for my Beloved.
I would love to hear how you’re living out your womanhood. Comment below, and shoot me a message.
As Elisabeth Elliot boldly declared:
“We are called to be women. The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of woman, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God’s idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am, and all that He wants me to be.”
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"Besides, how can a woman expect constant help and support from her Heavenly Father and be reluctant to support and serve others in a way that reflects God's love and grace?" WORD. This post was so good, thanks for sharing!! You should definitely post weekly/monthly faves when it comes to the books you read, because I need to add some to my list :))